Sweet Sweet Jamaica: Childhood Candies and pastries

These delectable selection of candies, sweets, and pastries are more than just sugary delights – they’re a delicious journey to some of our fondest childhood memories. Like when we used to go to the corner shop in our communities.

1. Peanut Brittle

Ever wondered how this irresistible peanut brittle appears at every Jamaican celebration? Look no further than the peanut vendor, a near-mythical figure who seems to materialise at graduations, wakes, and social gatherings. This crunchy treat features a simple combination of boiled sugar, roasted peanuts and a touch of spice. Some vendors even add a touch of flair by serving it on a banana leaf, we call this one peanut cake.


Gizzada is a true Jamaican favourite. Its flaky crust, made with flour, butter, and salt, encases a delightful filling of brown sugar, shredded coconut, and spices. It’s a delightful explosion of textures and flavours, perfect for a satisfying afternoon snack.

3. Grater Cake

Grater cake shares a close kinship with the gizzada, but with a few key differences. It utilises granulated sugar instead of brown sugar, creating a ‘stronger’ sweetness. Additionally, it forgoes the crust altogether, focusing on the delightful combination of dried coconut, almond essence, and red food colouring.

4. Busta/Stagga Back

This candy bar boasts a rich history. Named after Alexander Bustamante, a Jamaican political icon, the Busta/Stagga Back is a bar of pure Jamaican goodness. Made with sugar, coconut, and ginger, it’s easily identified by its classic white paper wrapping.

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5. Asham

Asham is a nostalgic treat for many Jamaicans. School children especially cherished it for its affordability and delightful taste. Parched corn kernels are ground into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle, then mixed with sugar. This simple yet flavorful treat holds a special place in Jamaican history, with its link to African culinary traditions.

6. Tamarind Ball

This sweet and tangy treat is a personal favourite for many. It’s incredibly simple to make, requiring only tamarind fruit rolled in brown sugar. The resulting ball offers a delightful contrast of sweet and tart flavours, making it a perfect anytime snack.

7. Police Button

The origins of the name “Police Button” remain shrouded in mystery, but its delightful taste is undeniable. This round and hard cookie is a rich and buttery confection made with eggs, baking powder, baking soda, and a touch of yellow food colouring.

8. Jackass Corn

This aptly named biscuit is legendary for its formidable hardness. Made with flour, water, coconut milk ( minimal liquid), Jackass corn is a true test of one’s dental fortitude. It’s a testament to the resourcefulness of Jamaican cuisine, using simple ingredients to create a satisfying snack.

9. Round Red and White Mint Ball

Remember the thrill of reaching into a container filled with white sugar at the corner shop and selecting this – the round red and white mint ball? This  candy was a childhood favourite for many Jamaicans, offering a delightful burst of minty flavour.

10. Coconut Drops

No exploration of Jamaican sweets is complete without mentioning the iconic coconut drop. These chewy candies are made with readily available ingredients: dried coconut, sugar, ginger and flavouring. They’re a perfect way to experience the taste of the tropics in every bite.

So, next time you’re looking to expand your culinary horizons, explore the vibrant world of Jamaican candies, sweets, and pastries. From the ubiquitous peanut brittle to the nostalgic mint ball, each treat offers a unique taste of Jamaican culture and tradition.

Tell us in the comment section, what sweet would you add to the list. 

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