“Mystery of Somerset Falls: Where Did the Water Go?”

Somerset Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Jamaica, located in the parish of Portland, near the town of Hope Bay. It is a tranquil and lush tropical paradise, where you can enjoy a boat ride along the river, swim in the natural pools, or relax in the gardens. 

However, Somerset Falls faced serious threat last year from climate change, which has caused the river to dry up and the waterfall to disappear.

The Drying Up of Somerset Falls

Prior to this, Somerset Falls was once a captivating sight, with its deep blue waters cascading gracefully over towering rocks and forming inviting natural pools along its path to the sea. The falls were once part of an indigo and spice plantation, and the original mill house and other structures from the 1800s still stand.

However, since April 2021, Somerset Falls has been experiencing a severe drought, which has resulted in low water levels and zero inflows to the river. The waterfall has vanished, leaving behind arid earth and sorrowful ferns. The main attraction, a boat ride on the river, has been halted. The guests are disappointed and some of the fish have perished.

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The drought is a consequence of climate change, which has made rainfall patterns more erratic and extreme in Jamaica. According to the government, parts of eastern Jamaica are experiencing a hydrological drought, which is the worst in history. The lack of rainfall also affects other rivers in the Hope Bay area, which are drying up like Somerset Falls.

The Impact on the Staff and Guests

The drying up of Somerset Falls has also affected the tourism business and the livelihoods of the staff. The assistant manager of the facility said they have to turn away people and let some workers stay home. They still have some activities on the weekends, such as the swimming pool and the water slide, but they have less income and more bills to pay.

The staff are praying and hoping for rain to come, which will allow them to resume normal operation. They are also trying to cope with the emotional impact of seeing their beloved waterfall disappear. They are not alone in their sadness, as many locals and visitors share their love for Somerset Falls.

Learn More About Hope Bay, Portland

Somerset Falls is a hidden gem in Jamaica, where many people have enjoyed its beauty and tranquility. It is a place where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of life and connect with nature. It is also a place where you can learn about the history and culture of Jamaica, as it was once a plantation for indigo and spice.

The Causes and Solutions

The causes of climate change are well-known: the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and gas, which produce greenhouse gases that trap heat and cause global warming. Jamaica is acutely vulnerable to climate change, as it lies in the path of destructive hurricanes and is susceptible to drought, flooding and extreme heat.

The solutions to climate change require global cooperation and action. Jamaica has signed the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the rise of global temperature below 2 degrees Celsius. Jamaica has also implemented measures to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change impacts.

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Some of these measures include better management of water resources, adopting sustainable farming practices, implementing water harvesting resources, planting crops that can withstand erratic weather conditions, practising proper disposal of garbage, and raising awareness among the public.

However, more needs to be done to protect Somerset Falls and other natural attractions in Jamaica from climate change. The government, the private sector, civil society and individuals all have a role to play in preserving the environment and ensuring a sustainable future for Jamaica.

The Water Finally Returned 

We are happy to report that the water has returned, as Somerset Falls is more than just a waterfall. It is a symbol of Jamaica’s natural beauty, heritage and resilience. It deserves our attention and care. Let us hope that one day soon, we will see its waters flowing again.

Plan your Portland Excursion

Planning a Jamaican escape to the verdant jewel of Portland? Fuel your wanderlust with insider tips on the Top Hotels/Places to stay in Portland, from eco-chic lodges to cliffside havens. And for your wild adventure side here are some great Things To Do in Portland. Remember, as you embark on your Jamaican quest, you can book a tour with Kareem’s Quest. I’m always here to help you plan the perfect excursion with various tour packages and Itinerary plans.

When the call of adventure beckons, let Kareem’s Quest be your guide. We’ll curate an unforgettable Jamaican experience for you, from hidden waterfalls and secluded coves to bustling markets and authentic reggae bars. Let’s make your Portland escape truly magical!

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