How Raheem Williams Overcame His Disability and Started a Car Wash Business

Raheem Williams, who was born in 1995 in Jamaica, has an undiagnosed disability that affects his posture and mobility. He has to walk on his hands and use a wheelchair to get around. But that did not stop him from pursuing his dream of owning a car wash business.

From Sideman to Business Owner

Raheem used to work as a sideman on a delivery truck for nine years, earning a meager income and facing discrimination and harassment. He always wanted to have his own car wash and detailing business, but he lacked the resources and support to do so.

That changed when he was featured in THE STAR, a local newspaper, in November 2021. He shared his story of living with a disability and his aspirations of becoming an entrepreneur. His story touched the hearts of many readers, who donated money and equipment to help him start his business.

He received a power-wash machine and a vacuum, which he used to set up his car wash at his home on Selassie Drive, St Andrew. He also registered his business as First Nation Carwash, and hired two assistants to help him with the work.

A Successful and Inspiring Business

Raheem’s car wash business has been doing well since he opened it in 2022. He can wash and detail up to 10 vehicles a week, charging reasonable prices and providing quality service. He has also attracted loyal customers who appreciate his work ethic and attitude.

Raheem said he feels proud and happy to own a business despite his disability. He said he never thought he could achieve such a feat, but he proved himself wrong. He also said he feels good that he can inspire other people with disabilities to pursue their goals and overcome their challenges.

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He has more plans for the future, such as finding a permanent location for his business, employing more people with disabilities, and going overseas to seek medical treatment for his condition. He hopes to continue growing his business and making a positive impact on his community.

A Lesson for Everyone

Raheem’s story is an example of how disability does not have to limit one’s potential or ambition. He showed that with determination, hard work, and support from others, anything is possible. He also demonstrated that people with disabilities can contribute to society and the economy in meaningful ways.

He is also a reminder of the importance of empowering and including people with disabilities in all aspects of life. People with disabilities face many barriers and prejudices that prevent them from accessing opportunities and services that others take for granted. They need more awareness, respect, and accommodation from the society at large.

How to make a difference in the life of a Jamaican youth. 

Help Ah Loaf of Bread charity provide much needed assistance to at-risk Jamaican youths. This small yet mighty group packs a punch with their impactful programs, and it is registered with The Department of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies.Your donation can make a world of difference! Dive into their inspiring projects and be part of the change at (click link to learn more.)

Here are some places where you can go to help people with disabilities in Jamaica:

  • Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities (JCPD) is a government agency that provides rehabilitation, vocational training, and placement services for people with disabilities. They also advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and promote awareness of disability issues.
  • Combined Disabilities Association (CDA) is a non-profit organization that provides a range of services to people with disabilities, including education, employment, and social support. They also work to promote the rights of people with disabilities and to raise awareness of disability issues.
  • Mustard Seed Communities is a Christian organization that provides residential care, education, and vocational training to children and adults with disabilities. They also work to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in society.
  • Jamaica Association on Intellectual Disabilities (JAID) is a non-profit organization that provides support and advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. They also work to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in society.
  • The Ability Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides education, employment, and social support to people with disabilities. They also work to promote the rights of people with disabilities and to raise awareness of disability issues.

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