Hard life changes Road Flex: Motor handcart entrepreneur

The first time kareemsquest.com saw Road Flex, it was around 7 p.m. one night, when he was dashing towards Half Way Tree. His motor handcart was lit with colours and the speakers on the sides were blasting dancehall music, to the delight of the onlooking commuters. 

At the time, we were unable to talk to him, however a second opportunity presented itself several days later. We saw him at a gas station, where he was organising some of his inventory.

Father’s day was coming up and so he was on the street longer than usual. “Even though it’s Father’s Day, I want to get something nice for my daughter. I am on the road a lot, so whenever I have time to spend with har, it’s a big thing,” he shared with kareemsquest.com.

His contraption uses the frame of a wooden handcart, after which, a housing is placed over it. Finally, a bike motor is used to power the device, which is controlled by a handle bar that has an accelerator and brake. 

There are also other features to make it road compliant, such as indicators and a horn. “I never like the idea of being one place when I am selling goods, because sometimes your customers move gone somewhere else. So this way, I cover my grounds and meet a lot more customers,” revealed Road Flex. 

He considers himself a mobile store, where persons can buy music, thumb drives, phone cases, colognes and other items. “I want to take my time expand, because I know I can sell other goods that the people will like. Everything takes time still and ‘one one cocoa full basket’,” he disclosed to kareemsquest.com. 

His hustle and vibrant personality reminds us of Neisha, who has her stall in St. Thomas. 

  Quick Facts

What stands out: The creativeness of his transportation device.  

What is it similar to: His hustle in the street reminds me of a donkey cart vendor I interviewed a while back. 

Location: Cross Road, Half Way Tree, Constant Spring

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