Auto Jamaica
Restored To Wartime Glory
The British army relied heavily on the Norton 16N motorcycle during World War Two, the 493-litre single-valve engine moving soldiers in various wartime situations. It was also distributed to many Commonwealth countries and were often ridden by policemen, including in Jamaica.
Rich Rewards
From Long MGB Project
WHEN BRITAIN was a production powerhouse for motor vehicles. Jamaica, once a British colony, was filled with its brands. One of the most desired of the British vehicles was the MGB convertible, a gentleman’s sports car built by British Leyland.

Black River
The black River stretches 54 km, the longest river in Jamaica until it was established that Rio Minho was 92.8 km long. The name ‘Black’ stems from the darkness part of the river bed caused by the thick layer of decomposing vegetation.

MANY PERSONS think a lot of money is needed to enjoy themselves in Jamaica, and that is not necessarily the case. Attractions like Holywell, which only charges $100 per adult to enter the park, is always a great getaway.